Color Coding and Infection Prevention
Another tool that cleaning companies have to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus, or any virus, is reducing cross contamination. Color coding cleaning tools is a very simple way to ensure that mops used to clean Area A don’t end up in Area B. This has been standard procedure in certain areas such as healthcare, but color coding is being utilized more in an attempt to slow the transition of COVID.
According to an article in Sanitary Maintenance, “the primary purpose of color-coding programs is to help custodians differentiate cleaning tools and confine them to given tasks or areas to avoid the spread of bacteria. Secondarily, color serves as a universal language that can simplify training, particularly among multicultural staff members.”
Zephyr offers many of our products in multiple colors, including blue, green, orange, and natural. You can explore our selection on our website to find the mop that is right for you!